Deslize: Ethical Threads for the Soulful Riders

Deslize is a coastal lifestyle brand that specializes in producing high-quality apparel made from organic cotton. Our products are manufactured responsibly, with a focus on fair trade and sustainable practices. We cater to action sports enthusiasts, specifically surfers and skateboarders, who value style and comfort while being environmentally conscious. At Deslize, we believe in promoting a positive impact on the environment and supporting the local communities.

Our Values

The lone surfer walks along the beach, fully immersed in the present moment and enjoying the beauty of his surroundings. Like Deslize, he values sustainability, fair trade, and responsible manufacturing practices. He cherishes the feeling of being in the ocean, alone or with his local surf community, and shares Deslize's belief in promoting a positive impact on the environment and supporting the local communities. As a member of the surfing world, he rejects negative attitudes that persist from the past, such as localism, that are detrimental to the values of sharing and respect for the environment and the ocean. For him and for Deslize, surfing is not just a sport, but a way of life that requires a responsible and respectful approach.

Our beliefs

At Delize, we are committed to protecting the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. As an action sports company, we understand the impact we have on the environment and are actively working to create more sustainable products and practices. We believe in investing in research and development to create high-performing, environmentally responsible products, while partnering with suppliers who prioritize sustainability. Our goal is to lead the way in promoting sustainable practices and protecting the natural world that inspires us. We recognize that our work is not done, and we are committed to continuing to evolve and innovate to minimize our impact on the environment. Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable future, where we can create a healthier world for future generations.

Our Story

Deslize is a surf and skate company that was founded by a father and his two sons who shared a passion for extreme sports. They wanted to create a brand that embodied the spirit of surfing and skateboarding, and with their combined experience in business, marketing, and talent for surfing, they worked tirelessly to design high-quality, durable garments with unique designs. Today, Deslize continues to thrive, driven by the shared passion and vision of its founders. Their story is a testament to the power of pursuing your dreams and the impact of following your passions in creating a successful business.